
Revolutionizing Mobility

Where Sustainable Fuels Drive Tomorrow's Journeys.

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+31 85 580 24 70

Osprey Energy - Man at gas station
Osprey Energy Circle
Fueling Green Routes

At the forefront of the mobility revolution, we take pride in being an emerging player in the distribution and supply of advanced and sustainable biofuels, diverse blends, and traditional products ranging from B0 to B100 and HVO10 to HVO100. Additionally we can supply the various NATO grades F-75, F-76 and F-54.
At our strategically located storage facilities in The Netherlands, Denmark and France, we blend and distribute our products throughout North-West Europe.

As we all know, legislation increasingly requires us to reduce our carbon and emissions. However, we believe that as an energy supplier we need to lead instead of follow. As such, in 2023 we have achieved a carbon reduction of over 16.366 MT CO2*, equivalent to removing almost 8.000 cars off the road for a year. 

*Method of calculation ISO14021/14067

Experience increased
performance with our
renewable fuels
Co2 reduction
up to
NOx reduction
up to

What we offer


We trade and supply a wide range of fuel qualities in Europe through our vetted and trusted supply network. We have decades of experience and networking under the belt to ensure quality supplies even in the most challenging locations.

How we can help you

Physical supply

Osprey Energy is a physical supplier in Europe. We supply high quality bio blends and Diesel with our own trucks. We are in full control of all logistics to make sure you are supplied the product you want in the right quantity at the right time.

How we can help you
Osprey Energy - Oil storage tanks

Bio fuels

We make sure you adhere to  the latest environmental regulations and to meet your own climate goals. Be it through compensation in an ETS scheme , bio drop ins or specific product blends. We will get you there as sustainable as you desire or as green as you require.

How we can help you

Meet our team

Connect with the people of Osprey Energy.

Jeroen Etman

Lead Sales
+31 6 xx xx xx xx
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Gigi Bouman

+31 6 xx xx xx xx
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Stefan Steur

Operations & Risk Management
+31 6 27 31 44 07
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Osprey Energy Circle
Co2 reduction
up to
NOx reduction
up to
Experience increased performance with our renewable fuels

Let's have a chat

If you want to spar with us regarding the optimalisation of your fleets performance , the green transition or any of the upcoming regulatory changes, then schedule a meeting with us for a free consult

Ask a consult